Sunday, November 25, 2007

Musical Memories...
Down memory lanes through the rehearsals

Practising our dance steps. Watch us in action on the day itself!

I thank God so much for the Children Musical. Thank God for everyone who willingly want to serve in this area. Each one of you is special and close to my heart. I thank God for the chance to work with so many different people, some I have worked before, some for the first time.

I thank God for Elerina. Thank God for allowing me to know you better. I remember how God soften your heart and how you're willing to take part in the dance and be part of this team. You are important and I need you in this musical. Continue to shine for Jesus in everything you do!

Thank God for Evan. You're young, yet you're serving, and I thank God for that. You show me that age is not a barrier to serving God. You show me that God can use the 'weak and foolish'
to overcome the wise and mighty things of this world. Keep having that child-like faith and fervent for the Lord!

Evan and Zephy, who is covering his face.

Thank God for Zephy. It's so blessed to see how you have been such an awesome blessing in this musical. I'm so blessed by your dancing and indeed you are good. The innocence and look on your face really brings a smile to my face. Keep living for God!

Zephy and Jeriel

Thank God for Jeriel. Even though you may be abit fearful at first, yet you tried your best and was such a blessing to those around you. May you draw so near to the Lord and try your best in this musical. You are doing great!

Thank God for Elizabelle. It's so wonderful to have a pianist like you who takes the time to practice and give it your best shot. I'm so encouraged the effort you are putting into this musical. God is truly pleased with your effort and I'm so thankful for you!

Thank God for Sihan. How amazing to see how you are growing in the Lord. Throughout this musical, you have been a superb example and testimony! Your patience, your thoughtfulness, your humility, your understanding really taught me so much. Thank God for coming up with the dance steps for the musical.

Ondrea and Sihan

Thank God for Si Cheng and Cassandra. Thank God for both of you taking the time to write the script. The musical would never have become like this without both of you. Thank God for your creativity and desire to serve the Lord behind the scenes! Thank God for your humility when I change the original script. I really appreciate your understanding and bearing with me.

Thank God for Yvonne. So glad when you wanted to serve in this musical even though you have your O levels at that time. I know you may be going through a challenging time, but I know that God will always be there for us! Shine on and may you serve the Lord with gladness in the set design and construction area.

Thank God for Ondrea. What a lovely girl that God has raised up to play the violin. I'm so thankful for the friendship forged, thank God for the opportunity to get to know you better. You have indeed been a shining light as you play the violin!

Lovely violinist - Ondrea

Thank God for Audrey. Thank God for how you have been a blessing in the area of publicity. I'm so glad for your desire to serve God and even your A Levels did not stop you from taking up this role. Even as we approach the musical, I do look forward to your adveristing. Great job in the Captain's Ball advertising. May we continue to serve hand-in-hand for the Lord!

Thank God for Jean. Thanks for designing the flyers and for doing and giving your best. You won't know how much your flyers and designs mean to me. Yet, the ability to understand and your service towards God has positive impact on me!

Thank God for Shaun. I met you in Children Worship one Sunday. Thank God for how you are slowly changing to be more and more like Christ. Thank God for your desire to want to serve God. May nothing pull you away from your service toward God. You are such a dear brother to me!

Shaun covering his face with the ball!

Thank God for Marcus Tay. I'm so so touched when you immediately agreed to do the musical when I approach you. I know you may be busy, yet I'm thankful that you try your best to come for the practices and for your enthusiasm! Keep growing in the Lord and may you see this service as an act of worship to Him.

Thank God for Patricia. I'm so glad that God allowed our paths to intertwined. I'm so thankful for the chance to serve together with you. Looking back, you have been a support for me in tough times. Looking forward, let's move together and serve together for Him. You're an awesome music direcotr and I don't know how I can manage without you!

Thank God for Glenda. Thank God for how I'm able to know you better, for the times spent together, for the ice cream, the laughter, the sharing. Thank God for so much. I appreciate you opening up and may you continue to draw near to the Lord!

Rikki and Glenda

Thank God for Rikki. Thanks for stepping out in faith and wanting to serve in this ministry. When I heard that you wanted to serve, I was jumping with joy! I'm so thankful for how quickly you picked up the dance steps and how your are enjoying yourself. Glad to be able to serve with you in this musical.

Thank God for Luzerne. You're such an encouragement. Hearing of how you trust in the Lord in the memorising of your lines puts me to shame. Knowing of you sacrificing your camp for the musical bless my heart so much. Bro, you're a light. Keep serving the Lord all the days of your life!

Luzerne and Marcus supporting Zephy.

Thank God for Hanniel. I really am thankful for the fear of God that you have. Thank God for how you are wiling to put God first and how you want to give your best for God. You're a good dancer, actor, singer, but more than that, you're a good Christian. Let's continue to serve together for the glory of God!

Thank God for Raynor. You are such a joy to see and your faith to want to serve God in little ways bless my heart. So glad to see you serving God despite your age. As you mature in age and spiritually, may you walk closer to the Lord!

Thank God for Matthew Choo. You're a great dancer. Your outgoing and dare-to-try nature is such a joy. Seeing you dance is so cute and yet so encouraging. You're a mighty blessing. Whatever you do next time, keep shining for the Lord! You will do great and mighty things for Him.

BOOM! Our dance

Thank God for Michelle Choo. Even though you may only have joined us for one practice, yet I know you have a heart and desire to want to serve God! By willing to be a 'fool' and dancing in front of close to a thousand people, you made me so thankful. Even as you are overseas, do take care and stay close to the Lord.

Thank God for Beverly. Though you may be unable to make it for any practices yet, but I know that you have a love for children and a love for God. I'm thankful for your ministry and your life. You have been a blessing in little ways! Your smiles are such an encouragement. Really hope to have you as part of this team.

You're caught!

Thank God for Xin Zhe. Thanks for using your gifts and abilities to serve the Lord. It's so precious to have you in the musical team. As you continue to serve God in the area of music, may you always bring joy to the Lord through the beautiful music that you play!

Thank God for Giolo. I'm so glad that you are back in action, serving the Lord in the area of the guitar. I'm impressed by the effort that you put into playing the guitar. I want you to know that you are significant! Keep shining for the Lord and all the best for your guitar playing.

Thank God for Lilis. Thank God for your willingness to just serve in any area that God has lead you. I'm so blessed when you took on the role as the mummy in the musical. How encouraging to be able to serve alongside you once again. I remember the times we served together in the Link.

Lilis and Charmaine

Thank God for Charmaine. I'm learning from your willingness to die to self and do your best for the Lord. I know some things may be a little uncomfortable for you, yet you are willing to put aside your preference and do it for the glory of God. May God continue to bless our friendship even as we labour together for the Lord!

Thank God for Baoyue. Even though you may not be present for the previous week practices, but you will be a great help in this musical. Looking forward to serving with you again in this musical and may God work out all our difference and may God help us to work well together and serve Him for His glory!

Thank God for Matthew Ee. Thank God for you taking time out of your busy schedule to be concerned for this musical,. Indeed you are necessary and we would really love to have you on board this ministry! Thanks for your creativity in the area of costume and maybe even playing the guitar.

Our Finale!

Thank God for the backstage crew and lights and sound crew. Though you may all appear insignificant and unimportant, yet you all are the necessary ingredient in making this musical a success! Without your labour in moving the stuff, we would be unable to focus on the musical. So I thank you first for serving in this ministry.

Thank God for Aunty Joanna. Thank God for serving in the area of make-up. Even though you may be busy with other commitments, yet you are still willing to help us in this musical. Thanks and praise be to God for your labour and love!

Thank God for the parents of Ondrea and Shaun, Uncle Eric and Aunty Christian, the parents of Matthew and Michelle, Uncle Alvin and Aunty Sui Juan, the parents of Elizabelle, Elerina and Zephy, the parents of Luzerne and Raynor, Uncle Eugene and Aunty Helen, for the parents of Rikki, for the parnets of Evan, for the parents of Charamine, for the parents of Hanniel, Pator Sinon, for the parents of Xin Zhe, for the parents of Giolo, for the parents of Patricia and Marcus, for the parents of Sihan, for the parents of Baoyue, Uncle Daniel and Aunty Jovenne.

This is OUR musical!
Let's do this TOGETHER!
Together with ONE ANOTHER!
Together with GOD!

The End!