Saturday, November 24, 2007
From the Children and Uth (Youth) Ministries of Gospel Light Christian Church comes the first ever, most exciting and heart-warming Children Musical ever to be unveiled.
Featuring our very own cast of 'home-grown' talents, with a combination of children, teenagers and adults, this is certainly a musical that will keep you wanting more. Our very own musicians will be bringing to you some of our written songs such as Inseparable and Whatever the circumstance may be.
This is a musical about a heart-warming tale of a boy’s path towards understanding God’s love and true friendship, amidst admitting past mistakes and learning to let go of some of the present. This is certainly a musical for the whole family!
09 December 2007 (Sunday)
9.00am - 10.45am
11.00am -12.45pm
190 Dunearn Road
Singapore Chinese Girls' School
Khoo Auditorium
For more enquires, transport arrangements and ticket bookings, please contact Marcus at 96304128.
Admission is free!
Thank you so much for your time.
God bless and see you there.